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1.        Whose car is this?

— _________________.

A. It’s my uncle’s

B. It’s my uncle

C. It’s a Japanese car

D. My uncle made it


2.        Come to our house for a party, please.

— _________________.

A. See you at four tomorrow

B. I’m not busy

C. Oh, thank you for your kindness

D. Here’s my address


3.        When is your birthday?

— _________________.

A. It’s not easy to remember it

B. I don’t know how to celebrate it

C. It’s on the 18th of March

D. I was born in a small village


4.        What do you think of his suggestion?

— _________________.

A. I never think of him

B. Sorry, I can’t remember her

C. No, I don’t believe it

D. It’s hard to say, actually


5.        What time is the next flight to Washington?

— _________________.

A. It’s 1: 45 pm

B. It sounds good

C. It’s too late

D. It’s a smaller one


6.        What about another coffee?

— _________________.

A. You’re so kind

B. No, thank you

C. Yes, of course

D. Sorry for the trouble


7.        Thank you for your invitation and the nice coffee.

— _________________.

A. Don’t worry about it. It’s no trouble at all

B. My pleasure. I hope you’ll come again

C. Don’t mention it. It was something small

D. Yes, but the coffee was not very good


8.        I really enjoy pop music. What’s your favorite?

— _________________.

A. I don’t like pop music at all

B. So did I

C. Yes, I like pop music very much

D. Well, actually I like classical music


9.        What does this word mean, Joe?

— _________________.

A. Sorry, I don’t know, either

B. This word means Joe

C. Of course, I’m Joe

D. Joe is a boy’s name


10.    You may have seen this film.

— _________________.

A. Actually, I haven’t seen it yet

B. It was shown the next week

C. It is said to cost much money

D. You may have seen it too



11.    Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, __________ people out of rural areas.

A. driving

B. drives

C. drove

D. driven


12.    I spent most of my money in the first week and ____ had very little for food at the end of the holiday.

A. consequently

B. since

C. moreover

D. however


13.    He is over fifty, but he looks as if he ____________ only in his thirties.

A. has been

B. will be

C. were

D. is


14.    There are many cities _________________ very fast.

A. expands

B. expanded

C. expand

D. expanding


15.    I shall go to the meeting tomorrow ___ I'm too busy.

A. if

B. until

C. unless

D. when


16.    The weather in Kunming is better than __________ in Beijing.

A. one

B. this

C. that

D. those


17.    Such changes can alter the social structure, _________ people to move.

A. leads

B. which led

C. which leading

D. leading


18.    Young children soon _______________ words they hear their elders use.

A. look forward to

B. turn up

C. put forward

D. pick up


19.    He broke __ the candy and gave each child a small piece.

A. down

B. up

C. off

D. out


20.    All kinds of vegetables ___________________ in the free market.

A. is bought

B. will buy

C. can buy

D. can be bought



There are over 80 species of whales, dolphins and porpoises, (1)   collectively as ‘cetaceans’, throughout the world. They come in all shapes and sizes. Here are some facts and figures about these incredible animals.

The blue whale is (2)     animal on Earth. The average adult length is 25m for males and 26.2m for females, (3)     body weights of 90-120 tonnes.

Hector's dolphin is the world's shortest cetacean. They may be only 1.2m long when fully (4)     

A blue whale eats up to 4 tonnes of krill daily. This is equivalent (5)     a fully grown African elephant every day.

The sperm whale (6)     pe deeper than any other cetacean. They have been known to pe as deep as 2000m.

One bowhead whale is reported to (7)     130 years old when it died

The sperm whale has the world's heaviest brain (8)     can weigh up to 9.2kg. This compares (9)     the average 1.4kg for the brain of an adult human.

The baiji dolphin, or Chinese river dolphin, is the rarest dolphin in the world and is reported to be endangered. It lives in the Yangtze River in ChinA. Conservation measures (10)    

by the Chinese to save it.


1. A. know             B. to know              C. knowing           D. known

2. A. heavy and long                      B. the heaviest and longest  

  C. the most heavy and long                 D. heavier and longer

3. A. whose             B. with                     C. have                        D. which

4. A. grown              B. growing              C. to grow              D. grow

5. A. to eat             B. about eating       C. to eating           D. as eating

6. A. believed to      B. is believed to       C. was believed to  D. has believed to

7. A. have been      B. be             C. being           D. having been

8. A. who                 B. what           C. which           D. whom

9. A. to                B. as                     C. with            D. for

10. A. are taking    B. are taken           C. were taken           D. are being taken



Two hundred years ago, it took several weeks for the news of the important Battle of Trafalgar to reach London. Nowadays, you can watch a terrorist attack as it happens anywhere in the world. The communications revolution means that we are constantly bombarded with instant news. This has great advantages, but it also raises important questions.

Satellites have enabled immediate reporting worldwide. A reporter can send the news to a network like CBS News and within seconds it can be all over the world. They send electronic reports that go straight into the newspaper or onto the TV screen. Reporters can now also transmit images through their mobile phones. Consequently, live, “on-the-spot” reporting has become the norm and TV viewers can get a much better idea of what a natural disaster, a conflict or an interesting scientific discovery is like.

In recent years, several changes have occurred in the ownership of news mediA. Networks owned by large companies and governments have become bigger and very powerful. These networks – such as BBC News 24 – are hungry for news and have huge audiences. However, there can only be a limited number of such networks and their ownership is a big issue.

Some companies not only own TV and radio networks but newspaper groups as well. Who decides what news to publish and what sort of “spin” to put on it? Is it always objective? There are now “spin doctors” who manipulate the news, emphasising certain parts and not others – and as a result, much of it is not neutral. Therefore, the question of control of the media matters very much. In some cases, the media companies are more powerful than governments. They can even influence elections. So the question is – should they be controlled and if so, by whom?

22.    题目

1. Immediate reporting has become possible all over the world because of _____.

A. reporters  

B. the use of news networks  

C. the use of satellites     

D. the communications revolution


2. _____ has become the norm.

A. Electronic reports

B. Instant news

C. Live reporting

D. Transmitting images through mobile phones


3. In what ways are media companies powerful? _____

A. They can influence elections in some way

B. Nowadays, the manipulation of news reports is possible

C. They not only own TV and radio networks but newspaper groups as well

D. All of the above.


4. According to the passage, the big issue is _____

A. ownership of news networks

B. that there can only be a limited number of such networks like BBC News 24

C. that networks owned by large companies and governments have become bigger and very powerful

D. that the news reporting is manipulated by big companies


5. What can be inferred from this passage? _____

A. The disadvantages of the communications revolution outweigh its advantages

B. We should put the question of control of the media on the agenda

C. The news reporting has always been objective

D. A reporter can send news directly to the audiences all over the world



23.    People must be educated to know how important this new technology is. _____

A. 必须告诉人们这种技术很重要。

B. 必须教给人们相关的知识,让他们知道这种新技术的重要性。

C. 必须教育人们这种技术的重要性。


24.    Sixty million people living in rural areas are moving to cities every year. _____

A. 六千万人口生活在郊区,每年都在向城市移动

B. 六百万生活在郊区的人每年移动到城市里。

C. 每年有六千万居住在农村的人口移居到城市。


25.    Civil war or regional conflicts also cause disruption, driving people out of rural areas. _____

A. 内战或地区冲突也会引发社会动荡不安,从而迫使人们逃离农村地区。

B. 内战或地区冲突也带来分裂,人们只好离开农村地区。

C. 内战和地区冲突会引起不安,所以人选择离开农村。


26.    Every time you get some new idea, there must be some people to say no. _____

A. 每次你提出新点子,一定有人说不。

B. 每次你提出一个新想法,总会有人反对。

C. 每次你一得到新想法,就会有人反对。


27.    He offered to help us with our work. _____

A. 他决定帮助我们,和我们一起工作。

B. 他提出为我们工作。


C. 他主动提出帮助我们工作。


